Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Concentration and Anticipation

So, I'm finding it considerably harder to concentrate at work. It's not that I don't want to work, because I don't really, but normally, I would do it anyway. Now, I find myself constantly thinking of what's left to do, what did I forget, what do I need, who do I need to talk to, etc. There's not really much that I have left to do at work, but there's tons at home and at church.

We have found people to replace me at church to continue on with youth and young adult groups. However, now we're in need of someone to work with contemporary worship, someone to work with the website, and someone who can run a computer lab. Even if we found them, I would have to somewhat train them as well as the people replacing me in the youth and young adult area.

I take on too much, and then it stresses me out. I need to actually relax and understand that it's God's plan, not mine, and He will make it work out to glorify Him in a way better than I could ever imagine.

I'm starting to really think about what it will be like being away from my wife and my dog for four months. Again, I start to think that I can't do it, but I don't have to do it alone. I'm starting to pray for help on these issues, because I am too weak to do it alone.

I talked to a friend from a long time ago last night. He's at Westpoint, and we talked for probably half an hour about what I should look forward to. I need to get back into the habit of memorizing information, being a follower before being a leader, physical fitness, and anal retentiveness. The last shouldn't be hard because I am in many areas. It will just be a shock adapting to a whole new way of life.

I did a total of 161 pushups yesterday. That's more than I think I've done collectively in my whole life. So, I hurt a bit today. I will run 2 miles tonight between work, church, and finishing the church slide show. Man I love being under pressure. I get things done much more effectively. I guess that will be good next month. I've lost 23 pounds now in the last 2 months. I'm excited about that, and going for 10 more before I leave. We'll see if that happens.

I should probably get back to work now, but as you can imagine, my mind is wandering in so many other directions it will be hard. Have a great day!


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