First step in a Jewish marriage was the betrothal. The groom would travel from his father's house to that of the bride. The bride's father and the groom would negotiate a price for the covenant or contract. As soon as the groom paid the price, they were considered to be married. As a symbol of this, the groom would offer the bride a cup of wine. If she drank of it, she agreed. At this point, the bride and groom would be separated. During this time, the bride would prepare herself to begin her married life to the groom. Meanwhile, the groom would be preparing the dwelling place and accommodations for his bride.
At a time of the groom's choosing, unbeknownst to the bride, the groom would gather his wedding party, and go to collect his bride. She would know he was coming, but not the exact time. In order to warn her of his arrival, he would raise a shout. I am not really sure what this shout was like, but I'm sure it was interesting. Something like, "Hey baby, here I come!" That's at least what came to mind. When the bride and groom would return home, the house would be filled with wedding guests. At this time, the bride will remain hidden for seven days during the festivities before she is revealed to the attendants.
John 14:1-3 shows us the promise that Jesus makes that aligns itself with these traditions. Here Jesus tells us of His father's house and that He will be leaving to prepare a place for us. Eph 5:22-23 takes it further showing us again the analogy of the Jewish wedding. We see that Jesus traveled from His Father's house to earth, to find us, His bride. He offered us the cup of the covenant, and we drink from it, acknowledging Him as our savior and groom (1 Cor 11:25). He paid the price of His life, that we may be with Him forever. Therefore, we belong to Him. He paid the price for us (1 Cor 6:19-20). We have been set aside, exclusively for Christ (Eph 5:25-27; 1 Cor 1:2, 6:11)!
As the bride and groom remained separated in the interim, we remain separated from God, although we are able to share in the knowledge that we will soon be with Him. Just as the groom traveled at an unknown time to the house of the bride, Christ will come back for us (1 Thes 4:16). He will shout for us, and we will know that the time has come. Once this has happened, the church will remain hidden in heaven during the seven years of tribulation. This corresponds to the bride remaining hidden during the week of festivities. Col. 3:4 shows us that the church will be revealed at the end of that time, so that everyone will see, know and bow to Jesus.
Yes, communion represents the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. It also represents a covenant of unending love. Communion is a promise, each and every time you take it. You are renewing your vows to Jesus. This is not something you do to go through the motions. It's serious. Would you just go through the marriage ceremony without meaning it? Why would you to that with Christ.
Think of the vows in a wedding. Now think of it this way. Jesus, takes you, the sinner, as His bride. He will love you and honor your all the days of eternity. He will be faithful, through sickness and health, for richer, for poorer, regardless of how you treat Him, with God as His witness.