Chris and I are in Memphis, TN. We are going to drive to montgomery today. It was nice to have a trip with someone else that's going through the same thing. If I had to travel by myself, I would be so much more stressed. We have done well so far, shaving two hours off our drive time yesterday.
We have no idea what lies ahead, and we're excited and nervous for it all. It was hard, yesterday, to leave. I can't imagine how hard it is for Chris and his family, having a week old new born and all. It's hard enough leaving my wife and dog.
I think that taking a couple weeks away this summer for work has helped a little bit, but I think it will really set in once we've been there for a couple of weeks. Luckily, they will keep us busy enough that I don't think I'll even have time to think about it.
I think we're getting ready to leave for Montgomery now, so I will talk with you all later.
Later that day....
On our way to Montgomery, we decided to stop by Graceland to see if we could find Elvis. I could've sworn I saw Elvis leave the building, and I looked at Chris and said, "I'm all shook up!" Anyway, he disappeared.
Well, we made it to Montgomery. We are entering the service in an amazing time in history. We ended up walking to the stadium near the hotel and ran into the Montgomery Democratic National Convention....
We got to see our new boss, and are part of the history that shows just how far our country has come. Who would've imagined, 40 or more years ago, tha we would've had a black candidate, or a women, not to mention both on the same election. Needless to say, either way, we have made strides and are entering a new era that is unknown to everyone in the nation.