Well, it's down to single digits now. In 9 days, I will be a rankless E-5. I'm pretty stoked about it, nontheless.
It's supposed to rain for the rest of the week which is depressing. People were driving, last night, like there was a blizzard. I barely even had to use my wipers. Sue, Joe, and I had to change plans and switch weeks for Wednesdays. Now, we are going to Vala's next Wed, and having a party tonight. Exciting huh? Well, not if most of the things you need are in your garage which has a key stuck in it, because the apartment complex you live in is managed by people who don't check out the work that their maintenance men do, or do it in a timely manner, or really even care about the people that live in their complex. Can you say run on sentence?
Hopefully, they will have the garage fixed today. They said they'd have my drawer and intercom thingie fixed yesterday, but alas, they are in the same condition now as yesterday.
I have to do some training this afternoon, and I'm a bit nervous for it. I'm not really sure how to explain all that I do, so I'm not sure that I can pass it along to others. Cross your fingers.
I have a meeting, I think the last one, with my recruiter and her boss tomorrow morning. We will be going over the last few items needed before I leave in a week and a half. That should be good times!
I don't know if I put this in yesterday or not, but the lady decided not to buy the car. So...I have the car still. I took it out to carmax, and they gave me an offer that's way under what it's worth, but it's what I'll have to take if I still have the car next week. Pray that I sell it before then.
Lastly, we have some cool technology and things happening at church. I've tried to make sure that people get a chance to see it, so they will support it. I've tried to explain to people what all it involves, and what it will take to keep it going. They sound excited, and say how awesome some of the stuff is. Then, they talk about how important it is that we use it, and show others how to use it. Then, after that is said, they go right back to the "old way" of doing things. Wasn't my sermon on getting away from things of the past? If they paid for the new things, why let them sit there and be a waste? Why not use the new stuff? That's what it's there for!
If you had an old Ford Pinto, but someone gave you an 08 Mercedes, which would you drive? I hope you didn't say the Pinto, because then you'd probably blow up one of these days! :-)
It's a far fetched analogy, yet the same. Pray that people will quit dwelling on "the good old days." Buck up and move forward.
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