Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sick Money

So, today royally sucked! I went to the doctor's this morning. I guess there's some sort of virus going around, and I just happened to be lucky enough to get it. Can you believe it? Oh well. The doctor told me to take off two days of work. I'm not going to argue, but I have to get some work done. So, I did some work from home.

It's not too bad once you get some meds in you. That pseudoephedrine (spelling?) stuff works wonders for your mood and symptoms. But, because of kids screwing with the meds, you now have to show your ID and can only get certain doses.

My dog was cute today though. He wanted to sleep on me all day. There are a couple great pictures that Kate got tonight.

Other than that, and getting ready for youth Sunday, there's not much else going on. So, I will leave you with this short one today and let you get back to you lives, and the people in it. God bless and until tomorrow....

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