Friday, October 24, 2008

Last day

Well, it's the last day at work. I'm finding it harder than ever to actually do something. Instead, I've started thinking about all of the things that I have yet to do before I leave. Will I get them all done? Who knows?

I woke up feeling crappy again, throat hurting, nose know. All the crap that i just thought I got over, is back. That means I get to take more of the happy meds though! I got one week to shake this.

The horrible thing is, it won't stop raining, it's cloudy, and that makes it all the worse. It's almost completely depressing out. I want sunshine, and warm temps before I leave. Hopefully, that will be what it's like down south.

Speaking of which, I talked with a guy who was stationed in Montgomery for 3 years, and he said, most likely, it will always be in the 60's and 70's down there. That sounds really nice! Once in a while, he said, it will get into the 40's at night, and maybe one day it will get all the way down to upper 30's, but mostly in the 60's. Wow....pull my leg to get me to go there. I don't think that will really be a problem.

I'm hoping to sell my car this weekend. That seems to be my highest priority, but it's not really. I just need the money badly in order to pay for stuff in Montgomery, and on the way down. I get paid back for all of it, but having it up front is a problem. You know?

This weekend and next week, I get to spend my gift certificates to JCPenny and Omaha Steaks, etc. to get the last of the things I need to go, and those things that I would like to use before I go. It should prove to be an interesting and exciting weekend. We shall see.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Gettin there

I have one more day of work. It is so hard for me to concentrate right now. However, I saw a new part of what my company is doing, going forward, and I wouldn't mind staying here either....but that's not an option! ;-)

I had my last meeting/weigh in with my recruiter this morning. She answered all remaining questions she could, and gave us some free stuff as well as forms we needed to fill out. Now, I just wait until next Friday, when I have to be at MEPS at 5:30AM. I will swear in at 9, and then that's that.

Since it rained yesterday, we had to switch plans for youth group. We just switched weeks. We were going to have a "going away" party/halloween party next wed., but had it last night, and will go to Vala's on next wed. Now, my lovely wife can go too. I have one more Wednesday, and two more Sundays. I'm excited to try something new, but will really really miss the youth at church. We've done so much growing together over the past 3.5 years it's not even funny.

Still got the car. I have one more prospect, but will take a cut out of what I'm asking, because it's someone I know. If that doesn't work, I still have carmax, but they didn't offer much for it. All of that sucks because I have to pay for uniforms (1700), and I have to pay for hotel and gas on the way down, and then they re-imburse me later. That's fine, but having that money up front is not as easy right now.

On top of that, I finished this post hours ago, but for some reason, it wouldn't let me save it or publish it. It disconnected me. So, I had more, but cannot remember what it was now. My brain is about to explode, or that's the way my head feels at least. So, I think I'll quit while I'm still able.

Meanwhile, back at the farm.......

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Single Digits!

Well, it's down to single digits now. In 9 days, I will be a rankless E-5. I'm pretty stoked about it, nontheless.

It's supposed to rain for the rest of the week which is depressing. People were driving, last night, like there was a blizzard. I barely even had to use my wipers. Sue, Joe, and I had to change plans and switch weeks for Wednesdays. Now, we are going to Vala's next Wed, and having a party tonight. Exciting huh? Well, not if most of the things you need are in your garage which has a key stuck in it, because the apartment complex you live in is managed by people who don't check out the work that their maintenance men do, or do it in a timely manner, or really even care about the people that live in their complex. Can you say run on sentence?

Hopefully, they will have the garage fixed today. They said they'd have my drawer and intercom thingie fixed yesterday, but alas, they are in the same condition now as yesterday.

I have to do some training this afternoon, and I'm a bit nervous for it. I'm not really sure how to explain all that I do, so I'm not sure that I can pass it along to others. Cross your fingers.

I have a meeting, I think the last one, with my recruiter and her boss tomorrow morning. We will be going over the last few items needed before I leave in a week and a half. That should be good times!

I don't know if I put this in yesterday or not, but the lady decided not to buy the car. So...I have the car still. I took it out to carmax, and they gave me an offer that's way under what it's worth, but it's what I'll have to take if I still have the car next week. Pray that I sell it before then.

Lastly, we have some cool technology and things happening at church. I've tried to make sure that people get a chance to see it, so they will support it. I've tried to explain to people what all it involves, and what it will take to keep it going. They sound excited, and say how awesome some of the stuff is. Then, they talk about how important it is that we use it, and show others how to use it. Then, after that is said, they go right back to the "old way" of doing things. Wasn't my sermon on getting away from things of the past? If they paid for the new things, why let them sit there and be a waste? Why not use the new stuff? That's what it's there for!

If you had an old Ford Pinto, but someone gave you an 08 Mercedes, which would you drive? I hope you didn't say the Pinto, because then you'd probably blow up one of these days! :-)

It's a far fetched analogy, yet the same. Pray that people will quit dwelling on "the good old days." Buck up and move forward.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

10 to go

So, there's only 10 days left until I EAD, 13 days before I leave, and 3 days left of work. How exciting is that? Amazingly exciting!

Yesterday was a long day. It went quick, but it was long. Most of the day was spent looking for my checkbook. I haven't freaked out quite that bad in a long time. But, what are you going to do? So, I looked high and low and finally found it. That was good, because if I didn't, I'd have to get a whole new checking account, order new checks, and change all of my direct deposit and withdrawl settings for all of my accounts. That would've sucked.

I had a gig last night though. That part was great. I even got paid for it. I haven't played jazz in a while, so I was nervous, but it went relatively well. Now, I miss playing. Hopefully, wherever I get stationed will have some sort of community band or something that I can play in, and maybe even some jazz.

There's not a whole heck of a lot else going on right now. Mainly, I'm trying to finish up here at work. That's enough, but still. I need to make sure that I have all of my stuff in order to leave, and have everything that I need. That's what next week is for. I will clean out my office at work and church, and be ready to go by the weekend so I can chill with my wife and dog before I leave.

I haven't heard back from the lady that wants to buy my car. I'm starting to get a bit frustrated, but I will try and be patient and call her tonight. I would love to have that thing sold by the end of the week.

That's all for now. Ta ta.

Monday, October 20, 2008

It's been a while

Well, I haven't posted since thursday. Sorry about that...

I took Friday off, and Kate and I went to Nebraska City to use a gift certificate that we received. It was really nice. We had a nice dinner, and even a carriage ride. We stayed the night, and came home on Saturday.

Saturday was filled with getting ready for Sunday. I finished up my sermon, and made sure that the thechnology was all ready to go. It was a bit difficult because my laptop is about completely gone, and the external video settings don't work most of the time. Luckily, I've gotten them to work for church, and that's all that really matters.

Saturday night, I got the chance to hang out with Chris, which was pretty cool. He's good at darts, so I think we will team up against others when we are in Alabama.

Sunday was pretty awesome. It was youth Sunday at church, and the youth and Sue, and Joe, and I ran the whole service. It turned out great. I thought the sermon was really good too, but I'm a bit biased, since I did it. Who knows? I performed my first baptism which was nerve racking in itself, but was amazing. It's cool what God can do when you ask him to do it.

The rest of the day was more relaxing than anything in a long time. I took Cooper to the dog park, and there were about 40-50 dogs there...more than I had ever seen. Then, I taught my last trumpet lesson here in Omaha, and went home and watched some football. I haven't had a chance to do that, almost all season. I watched the refs of the Greenbay, Colts game call a lopsided game, and then I watched Favre get beat by the Raiders, with two field goal kicks over 50 yards.

All in all, a great weekend. Very rewarding. And now, I finish by starting my last week at work. This should be interesting. I have the least amount of work ethic ever right now, and almost three weeks of work to finish in one. Stay tuned for what happens about that!